Remove and replace solar panels?

New tiles, flat roof covering or having a dormer installed? Then your solar panels must be removed (temporarily). Request a quote and find out what we can do for you.

Why remove and replace solar panels?

Removal of solar panels may be necessary for a variety of reasons, including:

  1. Roof renovations: if your roof needs to be repaired, replaced or upgraded, it is often necessary to temporarily remove the solar panels. This helps prevent damage to the panels during the work.
  2. Solar panel maintenance: regular maintenance is essential to maintain the optimal performance of your solar power system. Removing the panels allows you to clean them thoroughly and identify any problems before they become more serious.
  3. Solar panel replacement: over time, solar panels may lose efficiency or become damaged. In such cases, it may be necessary to remove the old panels and install new ones for better performance and energy output.

In addition, this may be a prime time to add some additional solar panels to your installation. Of course, it may have occurred to you that you have started using more energy, than you did several years ago when you purchased the panels.

Why choose us?

  • In-house team: Our solar panel removal and reinstallation installers are familiar with the specific requirements and characteristics of each solar panel installation.
  • By the book: We care about safety. Our solar panel removal and reinstallation team ensures that everything is done neatly, efficiently and safely.
  • Quickly arranged: It’s important to us that you get quick help with the removal and reinstallation of solar panels. Call us at 085-0805888 for more information.

Your solar panels temporarily removed and reinstalled with warranty for homes, offices or other real estate?

Let us calculate the cost for your temporary solar panel removal and reinstallation!

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Frequently asked questions for removal and reinstallation of solar panels

Solar panels can be removed for various reasons, such as roof renovations, solar panel maintenance or solar panel replacement.

The cost of temporary solar panel removal depends on your specific situation. Consider the number of solar panels to be removed and replaced, labor hours, transportation costs, material costs and any storage costs. These four factors make it difficult to give an accurate indication. Contact us for an accurate quote based on your situation.

The steps for solar panel removal are as follows:

  1. Take required safety precautions.
  2. Turn off the power supply.
  3. Carefully remove the fasteners.
  4. Disconnect the wiring.
  5. Store the panels safely.

The steps for putting back solar panels are as follows:

  1. Check and repair the roof if necessary.
  2. Attach the mounting systems according to the instructions.
  3. Connect the wiring.
  4. Replace the solar panels and fasten them securely.
  5. Test and turn on the system.

At, our experts are ready to provide professional support for the removal, reinstallation and maintenance of solar panels. Contact us today for expert advice and quality solar energy services.

This is how we proceed

Solar panel removal is a careful process that requires preparation and expertise. This is how we proceed: